Authorized Alcatraz Reseller

Sold Out Alcatraz Tickets, Resale from DiscoverTown Tours

    Memorial Day Weekend: 

    Alcatraz Cruises is Sold Out 

    We Have Those Tickets.


    • Tickets always include ferry + inside-the-prison audio tour
    • We pre-order a limited monthly allotment
    • Only sold with other tours as part of a package
    • Tour packages explained more here


All Available Alcatraz Times
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    We are an Authorized Reseller of the one and only ticket from Alcatraz City Cruises. 

    Formerly known as Alcatraz Cruises, they are the Official Concessionaire of the National Park Service

    ...and the only transportation provider for ferries to Alcatraz Island.

    Their round trip ferry leaves from Pier 33, Alcatraz Landing. 

    And the award-winning 11-language cell-house audio tour is always included.


    Relive the prison experience. Venture into Civil War era buildings. Watch the history video. Walk the prison recreation yard. Learn about the Native American occupation. Or explore the perimeter trail...

    All while surrounded by spectacular San Francisco Bay views, including the Golden Gate Bridge, the city skyline, and Angel Island.